Square Pegs

Commercial insurance for UK small and micro businesses.

Square Pegs specialises in providing solutions and access to commercial insurance for UK small and micro businesses.

Specialty Expertise

Square Pegs provides insurance solutions to UK small and micro businesses seeking insurance coverage that goes beyond the standard offerings.

Square Pegs serves as a trusted partner for these ‘Square Peg’ clients by providing specialised insurance solutions that address their unique needs.


Examples of non-standard aspects that can be catered for include:

  • Imports or exports
  • New ventures
  • Prior financial problems (bankruptcies / liquidations)
  • Unusual or interesting products
  • Unusual trades or combination of trades

Target Profile

Square Pegs can provide a broad range of policy covers on the Square Pegs Full Business product, including:

  • Public, Products and Employers’ Liability
  • Property Damage – Buildings, Contents, Stock
  • All Risk for Business Equipment, including Cover Away from the Client’s Premises
  • Contractor’s All Risks
  • Business Interruption
  • Commercial Legal Expenses

Available Coverage

  • Liabilities – £10m any one occurrence
  • Property – £2.5m total sum insured any one location

All quotes and policies are distributed to UK retail brokers via the Square Pegs Portal – a full-cycle electronic trading platform designed for our broker partners.

All capacity providers are at least A rated.

Any carrier ratings contained herein are as of 8/20/24. Ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation.

Learn More About Square Pegs
Stuart Dickinson
Senior Underwriter
Insurance Business America 5-Star Program Administrators

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