Aqueous Underwriting

Insurance solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises in the United Kingdom.

Specialty Expertise

Aqueous specialises in offering products to SME businesses in the UK. Distribution is through retail and wholesale brokers with a focus on leveraging technology to create underwriting efficiencies to provide best-in-class service.


  • Professional Indemnity
    • Civil Liability Coverage
    • Primary
    • Excess of Loss
  • SME Package
    • Material Damage
    • Business Interruption
    • Employer’s Liability
    • Public Liability

Target Profile

Our focus is on providing quality products that are purpose-built for policyholders. We aim to provide best-in-class service with a turnaround time on quotes ranging from 5-10 mins for our digitally distributed products and less than 24 hours for our open market offerings.

SME business is volume driven and often transactional in nature. Aqueous has leveraged technology to make our products accessible, and our focus is on keeping the gap between digital processes and real word decision-makers to a minimum.

We excel in digitally underwriting risks that most other managing general underwriters would avoid—not because of risk appetite, but purely driven by our ability to effectively transact in a space that others would shy away from due to an inability to trade for an acceptable margin (EBITDA and GULR).

Available Coverage

All of our facilities are on three-year, syndicated placements, and all capacity providers are A rated or higher.

Any carrier ratings contained herein are as of 12/1/24. Ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation.

Learn More About Aqueous Underwriting
Insurance Business America 5-Star Program Administrators

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