Who We Are 

Kathy Guerville

Kathy Guerville

Chief Underwriting Officer & Head of Pricing,
North America,
Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers

Kathy is Chief Underwriting Officer and Head of Pricing for Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers in North America, where she oversees Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers’ commitment to delivering underwriting profitability to capital trading partners. Kathy leads the pricing, catastrophe modeling and underwriting governance teams, in addition to supporting portfolio capital relationships.

Kathy has fifteen years of insurance actuarial experience and has been with Ryan Specialty for seven years in a series of roles with increasing responsibilities, starting as a Senior Actuary, Actuarial Director, Director of Underwriting and, most recently, as Deputy Chief Underwriting Officer. Prior to joining Ryan Specialty, Kathy was with Zurich Insurance Company in the US, Zurich and London. Kathy is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS).

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