Ryan Specialty Netherlands

Ryan Specialty Netherlands is a highly experienced, specialist underwriting team, focused on providing bespoke insurance solutions for various types of marine risks.

Based in Rotterdam (in the iconic building “De Rotterdam”), the Ryan Specialty Netherlands team is regarded as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable teams in the Dutch co-insurance marine market and operates through an expansive network of local, specialised insurance brokers with whom they have had long-standing relationships.

Specialty Expertise

Led by the CUO Europe of Ryan Specialty Netherlands, a highly experienced marine insurance practitioner with over 30 years insurance industry experience spanning loss adjustment, underwriting and underwriting management, the team is known for providing fast and decisive service as well as bespoke, innovative solutions for its clients. Underwriting claims handling and operations are handled locally.


  • Marine Cargo
  • Marine Hull, including Bluewater Hull, Brownwater Hull, Inland Hull and Shipbuilding Risks
  • Transport Liabilities, including Logistics
  • Marine Liabilities, including Stevedores, Ports and Terminals
  • Land Based Equipment, including Cover for Own Damage and Liability

Target Profile

Worldwide coverage is offered, with the primary focus on writing business for commercial clients headquartered within the Benelux region, Germany and Switzerland.

Available Coverage

Depending on the risk, the maximum line size is EUR 13,500,000.

All capacity providers are at least A rated.

Any carrier ratings contained herein are as of 8/20/24. Ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation.

Gert van Middelkoop
Chief Underwriting Officer Europe of Ryan Specialty Netherlands
Insurance Business America 5-Star Program Administrators

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