Castel NAPL

A highly experienced specialist team with extensive knowledge of North American professional liability risks that provides cover for law firms, architects, engineers and accountants.

Specialty Expertise

Established in 2021, Castel NAPL specialises in professional liability risks. With over 80 years of combined experience in both the London and US markets, NAPL have longstanding relationships with major producers in the UK and USA, which gives them unrivalled access at a senior level to core profitable business opportunities.


Law Firms, Architects and Engineers

  • All risks will be underwritten in US dollars
  • Primary and/or excess layers
  • Minimum attachment USD 500,000 per claim
  • Preferred attachment within first USD 100,000,000


  • All risks written in US dollars
  • Primary and/or excess layers
  • Minimum attachment USD 500,000 per claim
  • Preferred attachment within first USD 50,000,000

Target Profile

NAPL provide worldwide cover for USA domicile clients from the following industries:

  • Law firms
  • Architects and engineers
  • Accountants

Available Coverage

Maximum Line Sizes: USD 5,000,000
Capacity Providers: All capacity providers are at least A rated.

Any carrier ratings contained herein are as of 8/20/24. Ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation.

Learn More About Castel NAPL
Patrick Comerford
Director / Underwriter
Clive Moore
Director / Underwriter
Insurance Business America 5-Star Program Administrators

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