Castel Bloodstock

Specialising in mortality of thoroughbreds and high value sports horses.

Specialty Expertise

Castel Bloodstock provides access to insurance and reinsurance cover for major Equine Risks worldwide. They provide flexible and responsive underwriting, with client and broker centricity at its core.


  • Equine Mortality and Theft
  • Stallion Infertility
  • Prospective Foal Insurance
  • Stallion Loss of Income
  • Transit Insurance

Target Profile

Bloodstock’s market includes (but is not limited to):

  • Thoroughbred stallions
  • Racehorses
  • Broodmares
  • High value sports horses
  • Show horses

Available Coverage

All capacity providers are at least A rated.

Any carrier ratings contained herein are as of 8/20/24. Ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation.

Tara Woodward
Head of Castel Bloodstock
Insurance Business America 5-Star Program Administrators

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